Aquaponics with Shrimp: the Pros and Cons

Aquaponics with Shrimp: The Pros and Cons

Growing Shrimp in Aquaponics: The Ultimate Pros and Cons Guide

Aquaponics with Shrimp: the Pros and Cons. Ever thought about adding shrimp to your aquaponics setup? Sure, tilapia and catfish are the usual stars of the show, but freshwater shrimp and prawns bring a whole new level of sustainability—and let’s be honest, they make a pretty tasty addition to your homegrown harvest.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the benefits and challenges of raising shrimp in aquaponics, so you can decide whether these little crustaceans are the right fit for your system.

What is Shrimp Aquaponics?

Shrimp aquaponics is basically the same concept as traditional aquaponics, but with shrimp instead of (or in addition to) fish. The shrimp produce waste, which beneficial bacteria convert into nitrates—nutrients that plants love. In return, the plants help clean the water, creating a balanced and sustainable system.

One of the most popular species for aquaponics is the Giant River Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii), also known as Malaysian prawns. These bottom feeders eat organic waste, dead roots, and other leftovers, making them excellent tank cleaners.

The Pros of Raising Shrimp in Aquaponics

🟢 1. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

  • No Chemicals Needed – Since shrimp aquaponics is a closed-loop system, you don’t need synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. That means healthier shrimp, healthier plants, and a happier planet.
  • Saves Water – Just like traditional aquaponics, shrimp systems use up to 90% less water than soil-based farming. More food, less waste—sounds like a win!
  • Lower Environmental Impact – Aquaponics is roughly 45% more environmentally friendly than other farming methods. Plus, you’re avoiding antibiotics and chemicals often used in commercial shrimp farming.

🟢 2. Boosts System Efficiency

  • Natural Waste Management – Shrimp are like tiny janitors, cleaning up uneaten fish food, dead plant material, and other debris. This helps keep your water quality in check.
  • More Biodiversity, More Resilience – Adding shrimp to your system creates a more diverse and balanced ecosystem, which can make your setup more stable.
  • Compatible with Some Fish – Shrimp can coexist with certain fish, like tilapia or catfish, as long as you provide enough hiding spots to keep them safe.

🟢 3. Great for Your Wallet (and Taste Buds!)

  • Double the Harvest – You get both fresh plants and protein from the same system—talk about efficiency!
  • Better Flavor – Many shrimp enthusiasts swear that aquaponics-raised shrimp taste better than store-bought ones.
  • Potential for Profit – If you scale up your operation, you could even sell your shrimp, as they’re always in high demand.

The Cons of Raising Shrimp in Aquaponics

🔴 1. Requires Some Know-How

  • Water Quality is Key – Shrimp are more sensitive than fish when it comes to water conditions. You’ll need to monitor temperature, pH, and ammonia levels closely.
  • Space Matters – While shrimp start small, they need more room as they grow. A mature prawn (about 2 ounces) needs 1–2 square feet of space.

🔴 2. Can Be Costly to Set Up and Maintain

  • Initial Investment – You’ll need a properly equipped setup, including filtration systems, pumps, and temperature controls, which can be pricey upfront.
  • Energy Consumption – Running pumps and maintaining water temperature can add to your electricity bill.
  • Regular Maintenance – Shrimp need a stable environment, so you’ll have to keep a close eye on water parameters and make adjustments as needed.

🔴 3. Growth and Predation Risks

  • Some Fish Might Snack on Your Shrimp – If you’re keeping shrimp and fish together, you’ll need to pick non-predatory fish or provide plenty of hiding spaces.
  • Takes Time to Grow – Shrimp need about four months to reach a harvestable size.
  • Stocking Density Management – Shrimp start off small, but as they grow, you’ll need to space them out—going from 40 shrimp per square foot as juveniles to one shrimp per 1–2.5 square feet as adults.

How to Set Up a Shrimp Aquaponics System

Essential Equipment

  • To create a thriving shrimp system, you’ll need:
    ✔️ A properly sized tank with hiding places (PVC pipes or mesh shelters work great)
    ✔️ A high-quality filtration system
    ✔️ Water pumps and aeration for circulation
    ✔️ Temperature control (shrimp like it warm!)
    ✔️ Proper lighting for your plants
    ✔️ Testing kits to monitor water parameters

Ideal Water Conditions for Shrimp

  • 🌡 Temperature: 78–84°F
  • 💧 Ammonia: Below 2.0 ppm
  • 💧 Nitrite: Below 0.05 ppm
  • 💧 Nitrate: Below 40 ppm
  • 📏 pH: 7.0–8.5
  • 💦 Water Hardness: 40–250 ppm

Is Shrimp Aquaponics Right for You?

  • Shrimp might be a great addition to your system if:
    ✅ You want a sustainable protein source.
    ✅ You like the idea of a more efficient, self-cleaning setup.
    ✅ You’re willing to monitor water quality closely.
    ✅ You’re looking to diversify your aquaponics harvest.

But if you’re new to aquaponics, you might want to start with an easier fish-based system before diving into shrimp farming.

Getting Started with Shrimp Aquaponics

Suggested Products for Shrimp-Based Aquaponics

Fish Feed: Premium feed tailored for Shrimp

Water Testing Kits: Regular monitoring of pH, ammonia, and nitrate levels is essential.

Aerators: Reliable aeration systems to maintain oxygen levels.

Water Temperature Controllers:  Water Chiller, Quiet Refrigeration Compressor.

Water Temperature Controllers: 130 to 260 Gallon – Adjustable heaters to maintain ideal water conditions.

Breeding Tank for Shrimp.

Transform your aquaponics system with Shrimp or Prawn today!

Download our free
Ultimate Guide To Aquaponics

Cultivating Sustainable Food Systems at Home

Final Thoughts

Adding shrimp to your aquaponics setup isn’t just a cool experiment—it can boost your system’s efficiency, provide you with fresh, sustainable protein, and even offer a potential source of income. Yes, it takes some extra care and know-how, but for those up to the challenge, the rewards are well worth it.  Aquaponics with Shrimp: the Pros and Cons.

So, are you ready to take your aquaponics game to the next level with shrimp? Start with a small system, stay consistent, and enjoy the journey of creating a thriving, sustainable ecosystem! 🦐🌿💦

Click here to Check out our Shrimp Scorecard!

Click here to Check out our Prawn Scorecard!

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